The Rwandan Genocide
September 07, 2016
Some blogs I want to write. Today’s blog feels a bit more like a responsibility. We are in Rwanda for two reasons. First, we have come to see the m...
September 07, 2016
Some blogs I want to write. Today’s blog feels a bit more like a responsibility. We are in Rwanda for two reasons. First, we have come to see the m...
September 06, 2016
I once attempted to read one of the great Russian novels, but I became bogged down with the characters’ names. I sensed that it was going to be very i...
September 05, 2016
A few days ago, I wrote about Mandy Stein and the orphanage/academy that she has created. Today, I would like to talk about another organization ...
September 04, 2016
Sometimes intriguing information comes from unexpected sources. Of course, we expected to learn about animals and geology from Walter. We were ...
September 02, 2016
We are leaving Tanzania and on our way to Rwanda, where we will channel our inner Diane Fosse and spend two days with gorillas. But today is a tr...
September 01, 2016
Until now, I have resisted the urge to just show photos of animals unless the picture it fit into the theme of the particular blog. My theory is that ...