

We are introducing a brand new platform where you, the parent, can see photos of your child and follow a stream of exciting, real-time updates from our dedicated communications team. Campanion is an app that uses facial recognition to curate photos of your child and notifies you when they are uploaded. As an added bonus, all photo downloads are free – you can save pictures of your kid at no cost to send to family members, print and hang on the fridge, or simply have in your camera roll.

Linked to CampMinder and CampInTouch, Campanion allows parents easy access; simply log-in to the app with the same credentials used for the camper application.

We believe Campanion is a superb way to stay abreast of CC news and delight in your child’s adventures as they move from one fabulous activity to another.

Need help or have support-related questions about the Campanion app? You can reach them directly at 303-444-2267 (their support team is awesome!).