Bring a Friend to Camp

Any friend of yours is someone we would love to talk to about camp.

Many of our current camp families first discovered Camp Champions by the recommendation of a friend or family member. We believe there is no greater way to spread the joy of camp than by inviting your friends to join our incredible community of Champions.

If you have friends, family members, or others you know who might enjoy learning more about Camp Champions, we encourage you to share their contact information below and one of our Directors will reach out to them.


Do you know three or more families who are interested in learning about Camp Champions? Our year-round team would love to meet them! We’re happy to come to your home and meet your friends to answer their questions about camp. We’ll bring our inflatable Ga-Ga pit and snacks to entertain the kids, while Steve Sir and Susie Ma’am have a Q&A session with the adults. We love to bring a little bit of CC to you during these parties! Additionally, home party hosts receive special perks, like front row seats during our Closing Day ceremony over the summer, as well as some fun camp swag for the kids.

camp mystic vs waldemar