Recommended Resources

We know that there are many, many resources on parenting and youth development out there. These are the books, articles, and other resources that most closely resonate with the growth-oriented approach and loving culture that we create each summer at Camp Champions.

We share this with you for two reasons: (1) so that you know what we are reading and how we stay on the cutting edge of youth development, and (2) to share quality resources with our camp families.

Books We Love

Book Author Link
Homesick & Happy Michael Thompson Amazon
How Children Succeed Paul Tough Amazon
The Happiness Advantage Shawn Anchor Amazon
Teach Your Children Well Madeline Levine Amazon
Grit Angela Duckworth Amazon
Mindset Carol Dweck Amazon


Key Skills: Oral Communication, collaboration, work ethic, critical thinking, creativity

To navigate a rapidly changing world, these are the skills that companies want to hire for in the 21st century.

Camp & 21st Century SKills

Additional Articles

Article Author Source
How to Raise Brilliant Children According to Science Anya Kamentz NPR
Putting Grit In Its Place Davis Brooks The New York Times
Can Sleep away camp give kids a competitive advantage in life? Laura Clydesdale The Washington Post
The Secret Formula for Resilience Maria Konnikova The New Yorker
Rethinking College Admissions Frank Bruni The New York Times
Report Urges College to Give More Weight to Applicants’ Community Involvement Involvement Juju Chang and Suzanne Yeo ABC News
To Measure What Tests Can’t, Some Schools Turn To Surveys Anya Kamentz NPR
How to Make Middle School a Smoother Ride Noah Cho The Atlantic
Stop Googling. Let’s Talk. Sherry Turkle The New York Times
How Your Brain is wired reveals the Real You Sara Reardon Scientific American
In Praise of Summer Camp Jared Keller The Atlantic
New Mantra for Summer Camps: Develop Those 21st-Century Skills Stell Simonton Youth Today
Summer camp may improve college admissions odds Kelli B. Grant CNBC
Phone-Sick at Camp Jill Werman Harris The New York Times
How Adults can encourage kids to be Original Thinkers Elissa Nadworny NPR
The surprising thing Google learned about its employees — and what it means for today’s students Valerie Strauss The Washington Post
Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation? Jean M. Twenge The Atlantic

ACA Research

The American Camp Association has conducted multiple studies documenting the positive effects of camp.

Camp Research

Videos by Youth Development Professionals