Parent Testimonials
“Your camp’s environment has been among the most positive external influences in our daughters’ development to date.”
Parent, Dallas
“I cannot express how impressed we were with Camp Champions. Our son came home a more confident, happy child who even made the 4 hour car ride home excitedly talking about his experience and not asking for his iPad even once. Never been done before!”
Parent, Dallas
“Emerson cried when he was picked up because he didn’t want to leave. He also grew half an inch taller while he was there. Further, he has shown a more positive and helpful attitude around the house since coming home a couple days ago. Thank you. This was money very well spent! You probably will be seeing us again in years to come.”
Parent, The Woodlands
“I want you to know how proud and overwhelmed I am with the experience [my children] received at Camp Champions! I knew I had great kids, but this experience not only affected their lives, but mine as well. I didn’t understand how to allow them to be kids, how to enjoy life without my constant hovering. I am so overly impressed with every aspect of Camp Champions, that I myself cannot stop thinking about it and sharing their stories day after day. My children had a BLAST! I cried at the closing ceremony, when I finally got it—my children are children, they are growing up, with or without me, and this is the time of their life that they need these important steps for their future.”
Parent, Colorado Springs

What is a Champion?
“A Champion is a torch, shining brightly, in the darkness, bringing warm light wherever it goes. And, in doing so, giving those blinded by darkness a chance to see…”
Read More“We got home and talked about the 4 R’s. I really appreciated feeling your personal involvement. I know my boys are different people because of the relationships and experiences at Champions. For that I am most thankful!”
Parent, Austin
“I like that it puts kids outside of their comfort zone and encourages growth and camaraderie. It helps kids learn problem-solving skills and builds responsibility. Camp Champions is a family and a partnership. While I send my kids there for a summer of fun, I’m also sending them for the skills they will develop now that will help them down the road. They are learning lessons that will last them a lifetime. You don’t give up when things get rough. You don’t get to just call mom and go home. Mom isn’t going to always be there to solve your problems. You have to put in the work yourself. Camp Champions is a tradition in our family, as John went there and worked there and the kids’ grandmother worked there. They’ve been home for two weeks now and are STILL singing camp songs (EVERY DAY). We now have Camp Carleston fun days with a family torchlight. The experience of them being away has brought our little family closer together now that they are home. I love that they are already planning their 2020 camp adventures.”
Parent, Boerne

Camper Testimonials
“Being a camper at Champions for several years myself has afforded me some of the best and happiest memories of my life. Our daughter (who will be there for her 5th year in 2 weeks) lives and breathes the place. She cannot imagine spending her time anywhere else and looks forward to adding an extra week next year when she is old enough. We treasure Camp Champions and those of you who dedicate your lives to creating CHAMPIONS on the inside and the outside!!”
Parent & Former Camper, Memphis
“I have no problem dressing up in a crazy costume in front of 3000 students or getting up and singing a song in front of my class…I feel lucky because I know that my life is not bound to El Paso, I have people who care about me all around the country. I watch what I say and do around younger students because I now know that they do look up to me…”continue reading
High School Aged Camper
“Trojan/Spartan wars are just one example of the friendship, compassion and fun that make Camp Champions so amazing. But, above and beyond the fun, Responsibility, Reaching Out, Reasonable Risks and Respect are lessons you will use for the rest of your life…”continue reading
8th Grade Camper

Counselor Testimonials
Camp Counselors love working at Camp Champions! But the level of commitment goes deeper than a place where you can have fun. We believe that working as a camp counselor provides marketable skills that one will use throughout life. At Camp Champions we take care of our staff and work hard to develop your skills.
Longtime Camper and Counselor Testimonial - We got this in the spring before camp.
Thank You From a Counselor - Counselors find it difficult when they cannot return to camp, but this letter showed us how much it still means to them.
Never a Camper But A 3 Year Counselor - This letter came the week before counselor orientation.
Law School Peronal Statement - A former counselor used his experiences at camp to form his personal statement when applying to law school.
Email from Longtime Camper and Counselor - A counselor shared his thoughts with us and the new camp staff.
“Hi Susie Ma’am! I hope your year has been going well. I know I said that I would keep you updated on how the law school process was going, so I just wanted to let you know how my decision is coming along. Camp is such a unique experience and I don’t think I would have the admissions and scholarship success I’m having right now without the admissions committees fully understanding how I’ve spent the past two summers. Thank you again for writing the letter of recommendation for me.”
2nd Year Counselor
“I am at work, it is just after 3am, and I am suddenly consumed by the thought of those days when I was gearing up for another CC summer.
Times have changed. I spent tonight teaching an intern how to intubate as a patient hemorrhaged from a tumor that had invaded their pulmonary artery. As the patient is bleeding and his oxygen saturations dropped to the 40’s, I tried to teach patience and technique while guiding the tube into the larynx. Only slightly different from the patience and technique required to really master that offside turn on the slalom ski.
I spent the next half hour looking over the new additions to the website. It really looks great and the new interactive map is awesome!
Needless to say, I really think of my time there as a very special time in my life and miss it greatly. I think the number of stories that start, “This one time at camp…” have only decreased slightly in the years since I have been gone. I don’t even think my job as a physician is as regularly fulfilling as the one as camp counselor.”
Former Counselor
There’s one more testimonial that we want to share with you
It offers no real informational value, but in context it says everything about what camp can mean to each person who gets the opportunity to be here.
“Over the course of the summer I promised many people I would write them a letter from camp. The only thing I actually mailed was a traffic cone, but that’s a different story. Each letter I tried to write would get stuck at the same place: camp is (fill in the blank). Fun! Awesome! Great! Each of these is absolutely true, but they all tend to paint the same picture. One that can easily be applied to a number of other subjects. Swimming is also fun, awesome and great. Camp, however, is so much more than that. But how do you describe it? The word “it” seems to work, but only for those that have experienced camp. This video is an attempt to be a visual letter home; to capture “it” in a way that words simply cannot. It’s for everyone that has tried to tell friends and family what camp is like only to have them reply “three weeks sounds like a long time.” It isn’t. But how do you make them understand that? Is there a word, or anything, that can really describe what it’s like? probably not. But this is as close as I can get. And this is what I would like to write in my letter home.”
Camp Videographer