parent & camper FAQ’s
You probably have a ton of questions about camp. There is a lot to learn! Hopefully these questions and answers will help you as you prepare for the summer.
Already registered? Check out our Parent Guide for a comprehensive look at everything you need to know for summer!
Choosing the Right Camp
Like many of the best things in life, camp takes time. We can confidently tell you that the more time you give camp, the better experience it will be. Developing confidence in a new environment doesn’t happen overnight, and longer terms give children more time to grow independence, build self-esteem, and have a more rewarding camp experience. Many of our camp families can confirm this.
That being said, we offer one, two, and three week sessions because we want you to choose the session length that is best for your family. The majority of our one-week sessions are for campers finishing 5th grade or younger. One week of camp is a wonderful way to get your child acclimated to being away from home and gaining independence. However, we believe that after graduating 2nd grade, most campers are ready for a longer session. Staying at camp for more than one week allows real growth opportunities to occur after your camper is acclimated. Longer summer camp sessions really allow for the development of a tight-knit community which campers feel deeply connected to and a sense of being a member and belonging.
The camp director is the head of camp. He / She is ultimately responsible for the safety of our campers, the quality of our programming and is the lead contact in camp’s partnership with parents in raising their children.
The main purpose of the ACA accreditation program is to educate camp owners and directors in the administration of key aspects of camp operation, particularly those related to program quality and the health and safety of campers and staff. The standards establish guidelines for needed policies, procedures, and practices. The camp is responsible for ongoing implementation of these policies.
ACA accreditation assists parents in selecting camps that meet industry-accepted and government-recognized standards.
We strive to provide the best possible experience for your child.
While we have a very high average 4:1 camper to counselor ratio, we vary the ratio to reflect the age of the campers. For 2nd graders, we have a lower ratio (closer to 3:1) to reflect their greater needs. For example, they are often too young to remember sunscreen. Older campers, like 8th graders, will have a ratio closer to 5:1 or 6:1.
On most days at camp, your camper will have activities! There are 6 activity periods in a day, so one period might be wake boarding on lake LBJ and the next period could be climbing the wall and flying down the zip line. We have over 40 different activities so your camper can try a new one each day! To learn more about the activities we offer click here.
We also have our Trojan Spartan Games once a week, where all of camp is divided into two teams and compete in various games.
To see an example schedule of whata full day might look like, check out the bottom of this page.
Evening activities are tons of fun! From dances to movie night to big group games and parties to our Fishin’ Nights, evening activities are a great way to end the day. To finish out each day, the boys at camp get together at the Coliseum and the girls gather at the Forum for our Torchlight ceremony. Torchlight is a time of singing, skits, and generally acting goofy. At every Torchlight, we honor the Torchlighter of the Day, the outstanding camper at camp. It’s the highest honor you can earn at Camp Champions.
Health and Safety
We always have nurses on camp. Full time nurses and extra student nurses live on camp property and are always available for any bumps, bruises, scrapes, or anything else that may need their attention. We also have doctors that come every other day to service those who may require extra medical attention.
They are fully trained and provide professional level care for your children, just as is expected of everyone here at Camp Champions.
If you haven’t already noticed, Steve Sir, our Camp Geek, is very fond of education and being prepared. Camp Champions has a best-in-class training program in the industry. Our training is not only among the longest in duration but dives deeply into many physical safety and emotional safety topics. Every counselor is required to go through our intensive training program each year before the campers arrive.
Sometimes campers sleepwalk. We understand the concern some parents may have with kids and sleepwalking on camp. Our counselors are always on the lookout for any sleepwalking and receive training on how to best handle this situation should it arise.
If your child does sleepwalk frequently and you’d like to request they be on a bottom bunk, this can be arranged! Just let us know.
We know bed wetting is a sensitive issue for campers who struggle with it.
We will work with campers to help them overcome any concerns they have. Counselors work hard to not make a big deal about bed wetting in front of other campers. If it happens, we will wash the sheets while the camper is at activities, replace them, and move on with the rest of the day!
If your child does wet the bed frequently and you’d like to request they be on a bottom bunk, this can be arranged! Just let us know.
We are able to accommodate most dietary restrictions at camp. We do not use any peanut or tree nut products in our kitchen (although it is not possible to prevent all food that may have been made in facilities that contain nuts). We have a vegetarian option available upon request during every meal. We are able to provide dairy free and gluten free options as well. Although it is possible to eat vegan at camp, it is not something that we are able to specifically support or recommend. Our chef, Chef G, and his staff take special care while preparing our meals to ensure the safety of our campers and staff. Please specify all dietary needs and allergies on your campers health forms.
Please call if you have any questions or if you would like to speak with Chef G.
The safety of your children is our first priority. We need to know any allergies your child has. Please provide these details on your application and be as specific as possible with the information to allow us to be as prepared as possible to accommodate your camper’s allergy.
Absolutely. Parents must inform the nurse’s office of all medications and dosage information by filling out the appropriate forms online. Medication is never kept in the cabins! Campers will be given time to report to the Nest on a daily basis to receive their medication.
Please report all medications to us. This will help keep all campers safe
Camp is NOT the time to experiment with new medications or to put your child on a “medication holiday”. A successful term at camp begins with consistent medication.
All medications (Rx and OTC) must be in original packaging, including inhalers and EpiPens, with clear dosing instructions on packaging. Put all medications in a Ziploc bag labeled with full name. Medications will be handed to a car greeter during drop off. Meds will be returned in your child’s trunk at the end of camp.
Many children are on prescription medication for ADD or ADHD here at camp. We handle this medication for campers just as if it were any other medical treatment.
Please report any medication needs on your application and provide them to the nursing staff upon arrival. We will distribute the medication from the Nest under the supervision of camp nurses.
Camp is NOT the time to experiment with new medications or to put your child on a “medication holiday”. A successful term at camp begins with consistent medication.
Preparing For Camp
Away from camp, the average American teen spends over 53 hours per week on average in front of an electronic screen. We believe in teaching kids how to be extraordinary without being tied to electronic screens, so we do not allow iPods, phones, or video games. The one exception is that you can bring personal music systems, such as an mp3 player or an iPod with no video or internet capability. Keep in mind we are not responsible for lost, damaged, or stolen electronic equipment.
This policy gives children the gift of a technology free environment — a place where campers, counselors, and directors are fully present with each other, transporting them to a place where we can forge relationships that last a lifetime.
Car — Most camp families bring their children to camp by car on opening day.
Airplane — Campers may fly in to Austin or San Antonio, and camp will do airport pickups for an extra cost. If your camper is flying to camp, you are required to fill out our Transportation form under the Forms and Documents tab at least 30 days prior to your camper’s start date. This timeline is very important so that we can arrange a member of the camp staff to pick your child up from the airport. Please arrange all flights to arrive between 11am and 1pm on Opening Day of your camper’s term.
If you would like to purchase some Camp Champions gear before summer starts, you can visit our camp store, Kneeman Markus. Our amazing store has a wide variety of shirts, shorts, hats, and other camp essentials to help your camper prepare for their summer.
We place campers into cabins based on a variety of factors. Our objective is to create a dynamic cabin with campers of diverse backgrounds, skills, and experiences. We try to match cabins with children around the same age so they are at the same maturity level, both emotionally and physically.
You can make cabin-mate requests by filling out the form on your CAMPINTOUCH account. Please do not call or email your request. The form must be submitted more than 30 days BEFORE the start of the camp term. Requests are divided into 3 categories: mutual, one-way, and anti-request.
Mutual: Both campers request each other AND are in the same grade AND are attending camp for the SAME length of time. Please keep in mind that your camper may be with an entire cabin of younger campers if you make a mutual request with a younger child. One-Way Request: Several names may be listed, and we will make every attempt to honor at least one request. Anti-Request: (USE CAREFULLY) THIS IS HONORED BEFORE ANY OTHER CABIN-MATE REQUESTS, and we may not be able to place the camper with the mutual or one-way requested cabin-mate.
Please understand that clear communication, in advance, with your requested friend is very important. You both need to request each other. If you DO NOT think it is best that your camper be with a particular camper, please be honest with the parents involved before camp starts. Such difficult conversations are easier now than on Opening Day!
Most campers pack for camp using a trunk/footlocker for clothes and a duffel bag for extra items like sheets and bedding.
The height of the trunk must be 13.5 inches or less so that it can fit under the camper’s bunk. It may have wheels or no wheels.
EverythingSummerCamp.com offers quality trunks, and models #1102 (Companion Footlocker) and #1104 (Happy Camper) work well for our cabins. At everythingsummercamp.com locate the yellow banner, select “C” and click on “Champions” to receive a discount.
Staying in Touch
We strongly encourage you to write letters to your child. Campers love getting old-fashioned mail!
Address your letters to:
Camper Name, Cabin # (if you know it)
775 Camp Road
Marble Falls, TX 78654
You can also email your camper by logging in to your CAMPINTOUCH account! We will print these out everyday at 11am and hand deliver them to your child. Purchase stamps through your CAMPINTOUCH account.
We use a mobile app called Campanion to share all that is happening at camp! Campanion is updated with hundreds of camp pictures daily. Additionally, our owner and director Steve Sir will publish three to five “micro blogs” directly to the app every day! These micro blogs will detail all of the activities, special events, and general goings on for any given day at camp. The app can be downloaded directly from the app store and is compatible with both Apple and Android products.
There is an automatic fee included for Campanion. To opt out, email info@campchampions.com.
One of the most significant elements of the camp experience is learning independence. It’s hard to be apart; however, kids adjust to camp life much more easily if they don’t hear or see their parents while they’re at camp. If a camper is homesick, hearing a parent’s voice can intensify sad feelings. Therefore, we do not have campers talk to parents on the phone, and we don’t have parent visiting days until the last day of camp.
We stay in contact with you while your child is here at Camp Champions. All parents are encouraged to call the camp office at any time, just to check and see how your child is doing. We know that sending a child to camp can be more difficult for parents than for the camper!
If any problem arises, of course we’ll contact you immediately. We want to work together with you to make sure your child has the best experience possible!
We do not allow packages to be sent to camp. We find that many parents actually appreciate this policy because there is no need to “compete” to send enough packages.
We do make an exception for birthday packages. Birthdays only come once a year and many kids love to celebrate them at camp. Birthday packages should be marked clearly as such and will be delivered on the big day.
Finally, if your camper forgot something critical from the packing list (such as jeans for horseback or a bathing suit), give us a call, and we will help you get that item to your camper.
You can reach the camp office at 830-598-2571.
What's included in the camp term fee?
All activities and programming are included in camp tuition.
There a few completely optional additions that you can choose:
- There is an option to purchase a Surprise Sack or a Trojan/Spartan Pack for you camper. The items in the Surprise Sack are unique and cannot be purchased at Kneeman Markus. The Trojan/Spartan Pack contains spirit gear for your camper’s tribe. Most campers sign up for either one or neither of these options.
- There is a third party parent app called Campanion that we do recommend. Campanion gives parents a window into what is happening at camp via photos, updates, and blogs. The photos and blogs are also avaialble for free through our desktop CampMinder option, but most parents choose to use Campanion and are delighted with it. We will help get all of our camper families onboarded to Campanion in the spring.
- We can accommodate airport pickups and dropoffs in either Austin or San Antonio for a transportation fee.
We use a mobile app called Campanion to share all that is happening at camp! Campanion is updated with hundreds of camp pictures daily. Additionally, our owner and director Steve Sir will publish three to five “micro blogs” directly to the app every day! These micro blogs will detail all of the activities, special events, and general goings on for any given day at camp. The app can be downloaded directly from the app store and is compatible with both Apple and Android products.
There is an automatic fee included for Campanion. To opt out, email info@campchampions.com.
In the event of a cancellation, fees will be refunded according to the following schedule (deposit is non-refundable after February 1st):
91 or more days prior to the first day of the term: 75% of tuition-less-deposit refunded
61-90 days prior to the first day of the term: 50% of tuition-less-deposit refunded
31-60 days prior to the first day of the term: 25% of tuition-less-deposit refunded
Less than 30 days prior to the first day of the term: We are unable to offer a refund.
The deposit is fully refundable until December 1st and half refundable until February 1st. Starting February 2nd, the deposit may be carried over to the following summer only, and may only be used for the original camper.
No discounts can be given for late arrivals or early departures.
Our camp store operates on the “Champ” system. Campers receive champs each week as part of the tuition that you pay. They get the opportunity to spend their Champs at our camp store, Kneeman Markus. You can purchase extra champs for your camper(s) by emailing or calling the camp office.
No need for money at camp – CHAMPS only!
Check out our camp store to order some Camp Champions apparel before camp begins.
Every camper receives one pair of shorts and 2 t-shirts. Campers use these primarily for the yearbook pictures and for special events. They look great and are fun to wear at home too!
Every camper receives a handsome hardcover yearbook (perhaps the most impressive camp yearbook in the country). The yearbook will be treasured for years to come!
We send out laundry once per week for those campers staying at camp for more than a single week session. Clothes are washed, dried, folded, and returned later that day.
Do items ever get mixed up? It happens occasionally, but for the most part the laundry service we use is exceptional. Any mix-ups that do occur are easily fixed if campers have their names marked in their clothes, so we certainly appreciate the effort from our parents to do so. Make sure to label everything CLEARLY with your camper’s name!
New Camper Questions
On most days at camp you will have activities! There are 6 activity periods in a day, so one period you might be wake boarding on lake LBJ and the next period you could be climbing the wall and flying down the zip line. We have over 40 different activities so you can try a new one each day if you want too! To learn more about the activities we offer click here.
We also have our Trojan Spartan Games once a week, where all of camp is divided into two teams and compete in various games.
Evening activities are tons of fun! From dances to movie night to big group games and parties to our Fishin’ Nights, evening activities are a great way to end the day. To finish out each day, the boys at camp get together at the Coliseum and the girls gather at the Forum for our Torchlight ceremony. Torchlight is a time of singing, skits, and generally acting goofy. At every Torchlight, we honor the Torchlighter of the Day, the outstanding camper at camp. It’s the highest honor you can earn at Camp Champions.

Cabins are the best part of camp! Have you ever been on a really fun sleep over with one of your best friends? Being in a cabin is basically like that but with 11 of your close friends and for longer!
Each cabin has anywhere from 8-12 campers that are the same age and 2-3 counselors. Everybody will have a trunk to keep their stuff in, a top or bottom bunk to make their own, and a personal space in front of their bunk. There’s 2 fans in each cabin to keep it cool. There’s space in the middle to play games (cards, cabin pickleball, and four-square to name a few) or just hang out with your cabin mates.
We can’t tell you who your counselors will be before you get to camp, but we can tell you that we travel all over the world and look far and wide to find counselors who want to spend their summer at camp because they get to hang out with kids like you! They are college-aged individuals who are excited, fun, and want to get to know you. It’s like having a cool older brother or sister take care of you!
“I have responsibilities at camp?” you may be asking yourself, and the answer is yes, yes you do! Here at camp we ask all of our campers to do certain tasks so that everything can run smoothly. These tasks include picking up after yourself at meal times, cleaning up your stuff in the cabin for inspection, showing up and participating in all activities, and following all the rules we have here at camp.
You’ll love the food at camp! Is it just like home cooking? Well, maybe not quite like home, but it’s close. From things like waffles, eggs, and pancakes at breakfast to foods like pizza, chicken fingers, corn dogs, and spaghetti at lunch and dinner, there are always lots of options to choose from at the Fillin’ Station. We also offer fresh fruit, a SunButter and jelly station, and a large salad bar at every meal.
If you are a vegetarian or have a special dietary need (like dairy free or gluten free), let your server know! We have dairy free, gluten free, and vegetarian options available at every meal.
If you have any problem of any type at camp, you need to talk to your counselors. They are trained to handle difficult situations and are there because they want to help you. If you feel uncomfortable talking to your counselors about an issue you are having at camp (or outside of camp) then you can always talk to a division leader or a director, and they will be there to help you as well. If we don’t know you are struggling with something, we can’t fix it!
Older campers (Lettermen, Midis, Aquanauts, and Maxis) get to choose their activities on a daily basis, selecting from various activities within the Fine Arts, Sports, and Outdoors departments. We assign specific times for water skiing, free swim, sail, pool play, and other activities.
Younger campers, the Rookie, Mini, and Little League divisions, do activities with their cabins in a pre-set schedule.
You do have to be a certain age to do certain activities. By the time camp begins, if you haven’t finished 4th grade, you cannot do Go-Karts (Indy), Axe Throwing, Riflery, the Screamer, the Zip-Line at the wall, or the 2nd and 3rd levels of the Pirate Ship. Instead of Riflery our younger campers get to do BB’s, which is a good way to practice for when they get older!
No. You cannot bring ANY electronics (iPads, iTouches, computers, electronic gaming systems, Kindles, walkie-talkies, etc.), cell phones, digital cameras, money, food (no candy, gum, etc.), or any safety hazards (pocket knives, fireworks, or other items that are a potential safety risk).
The one exception is that you can bring personal music systems, such as an mp3 player and iPods with no video or internet capability. Keep in mind we are not responsible for lost, damaged, or stolen electronic equipment.
Thank you!
We group cabins by the completed grades of the campers and the length of term they are staying. You may request 1 cabin mate, and we will do our best to meet your request. If the cabin mate you request is two or three grades ahead of you, we won’t be able to put you together—the age difference is just too great. But if the friend you come with is about the same age as you, and you both request to be together, you’ll most likely live in the same cabin!
Yes of course! Everybody is a little nervous about coming to camp, even returners. Once you get to camp, you will realize that everyone wants you to feel comfortable and have a good time, and your nervousness will melt away. Your cabin mates, counselors, division leaders, and directors are all on your team and ready to make you feel at home at a moment’s notice.