Camp Is Tech Free

Overnight summer camp is one of the few places left where kids can be tech free and happy.
Showing campers they can be spectacular without a phone in their hands is among the most important outcomes of camp in 2025.
Susie Baskin, Camp Champions

Sometimes, we need to put down our devices and live in the moment.
In a world dominated by digital devices, social media, and text messages, Camp Champions provides campers with a unique, technology-free experience. By removing electronics, we create an empowering environment where campers bond over shared experiences, activities, and creative special events. Instead of being distracted by the buzz and glare of a cell phone screen or TV, kids at camp engage in meaningful face-to-face interactions with everyone they meet. They are running, swimming, climbing, and enjoying the outdoors instead of sitting in front of a computer or Xbox. It’s free play at it’s finest: allowing kids to be kids and have fun without relying on technology.

When campers return home, they report increased awareness and control over their electronics.
They still enjoy their devices, but our campers also know there are other activities and connections that are real, rather than virtual, that they enjoy. The ability to be tech-free is a power that our campers will possess that their peers lack.
Through face-to-face bonding, they develop powerful skills that their classmates will someday envy. Here, campers find joy and growth in a tech-free, parent-free environment.

“I like that the kids are completely disconnected from technology. They love the time spent with their cabin mates. It is tremendously gratifying to know that the kids are in a place where they can take risks and succeed or fail in a safe environment. Our kids grow so much emotionally when they are away at camp. Camp is where they can be genuinely who they are. Sometimes that is hard in a middle/high school environment.”
Parent, Austin