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Welcoming New Campers

From the moment of arrival, we welcome new campers and integrate them into our camp family. With the help of our returning campers and our first time camper specialists, we make sure the transition into camp is as smooth as possible.

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Our veteran campers love reaching out to their new cabin mates. Many cabins adopt a “buddy system” that pairs first year campers with returning campers. This means that new campers can make a new friend quickly, as well as have a peer answer any questions they have about camp.

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To help further integrate new campers into camp, we use our first time camper specialists. We hand-select a group of veteran counselors whose sole job is to ensure new campers are having a fantastic experience throughout their first summer. During the first few days of camp, these counselors are extremely diligent about checking in with first year campers to ensure they feel comfortable at camp, are making friends, and are enjoying activities. We know that children sometimes struggle with missing home during their first summer at camp, so we’ve assembled a team of people who are experts on dealing with homesickness. This is a group of passionate, experienced counselors who are dedicated to helping first year campers have a smooth (and fun!) transition into camp life.

Why Kids Come Back