Strength From the Silver Fox
July 16, 2020
A couple of evenings ago, I was sitting in a field with our 9th grade campers. One of them posed a simple question: “Was it a hard decision to d...
July 16, 2020
A couple of evenings ago, I was sitting in a field with our 9th grade campers. One of them posed a simple question: “Was it a hard decision to d...
July 15, 2020
Today, Susie and I experienced something incredibly unusual, perhaps even rare. We had 3 different 1 hour talks with high schoolers – and did ...
July 14, 2020
We have seen this summer as a one of challenges to overcome. We want to find possibilities, not problems. We want opportunities, not obstacles...
July 13, 2020
This morning, a former camper and current camp parent sent me an email that simply made me smile. I loved the content and it came with a winner of...
July 12, 2020
Welcome to Third Term!! Wow! That was fun to say. If you would have asked me a few months ago, I would have said that I this might not be possi...
July 10, 2020
Several years back, I was talking to a camp mom about her efforts to encourage her children’s friends to come to camp. She was a particularly enthusi...