Explanation of Torchlight Ceremony
July 02, 2020
Several years ago, we had some parents contact us with questions about Torchlight, our evening ritual. With this in mind, we decided to provide a li...
July 02, 2020
Several years ago, we had some parents contact us with questions about Torchlight, our evening ritual. With this in mind, we decided to provide a li...
July 01, 2020
As I talk with returning campers and counselors, I hear many messages, but two stand out as different from the past. One brings me joy. The sec...
June 30, 2020
Age is just a number. But it turns out it is a different number for different groups. When Susie Ma’am spends time with girl cabins, she like...
June 29, 2020
Last night, we gathered at the boys’ sail point for Vespers. [Note: Susie Ma’am ran Vespers for the girls on the girls’ sail point. As I was with...
June 28, 2020
A camper gave a gift to Susie Ma’am and me. It is not something we thought we wanted, but it turns out it was exactly what we needed. It was ...
June 27, 2020
Susie Ma’am is a bit of an anglophile. She loves the BBC, British accents and Jane Austen. I honestly think that she would enjoy any movie or ge...