An Exciting Letter
July 04, 2013
Today, we got a letter from a 5th year camper – lets call her Linda Ma’am. She had just finished her first year of our Senior Camper program (i.e....
July 04, 2013
Today, we got a letter from a 5th year camper – lets call her Linda Ma’am. She had just finished her first year of our Senior Camper program (i.e....
July 01, 2013
Sometimes you have an idea and wonder, “why did it take us so long to think of this?” Our after-lunch new camper reception is such an idea. Joining ...
June 30, 2013
Your children are safely in their beds and are safely asleep. They are ready for a wonderful first full day at Camp Champions. Counselors have read ...
June 27, 2013
A self-help expert makes an appearance on Tonight Show which tapes in afternoon. After the taping, he goes to the airport and flies on the red-eye (t...
June 27, 2013
Today is a crazy day. We have a full day of activities – over 6 hours of fun and skill-development. But it feels like the day is just half over ...
June 26, 2013
People frequently ask camp professionals, “what do you do the rest of the year?” The question often seems to suggest that we spend our days on tropic...