Teatro, Tango and Friends
January 23, 2017
In our last full day in Buenos Aires, we chose to do a series of quintessential Argentinian experiences. We saw the church that Pope Francis served i...
January 23, 2017
In our last full day in Buenos Aires, we chose to do a series of quintessential Argentinian experiences. We saw the church that Pope Francis served i...
January 22, 2017
I have prided myself on writing regularly. I am under no delusions that anyone awaits these articles, but I have found a satisfaction in writi...
January 22, 2017
When we visited Melbourne, we did so in two stages. The first time we stayed in a very tired old hotel that did not provide breakfast or the Internet...
January 20, 2017
The logistics bombshell from yesterday continues to send reverberations through the today. You can see from this picture that we are awadh in exc...
January 20, 2017
As a camp director, I appreciate how challenging logistics can be. When our travel company described our trip, I wondered how they could possibly arr...
January 19, 2017
I am beaten like a rented mule. [Note for PETA: I have never rented a mule nor beaten one. I, however, am aware of the practice and use the phr...