Celebrating a Major Award
June 28, 2019
My parents taught me that no one likes a bragger, but I wanted to share a fun piece of news about Camp Champions. This year, Camp Champions be...
June 28, 2019
My parents taught me that no one likes a bragger, but I wanted to share a fun piece of news about Camp Champions. This year, Camp Champions be...
June 27, 2019
I have alluded to Friendship Games and Man Cave in a previous blog, but I did not fully explain them. Please allow me to describe this valued tr...
June 26, 2019
Sometimes the idea for a blog falls into your lap. This morning, mine fell onto the ground. As I walked to breakfast, I saw a dew-soaked pie...
June 25, 2019
Camp right after breakfast. Camp right after dinner. Most of the time, the purpose of this blog is to give you insight into the camp experience. Oc...
June 24, 2019
During counselor orientation, we talk about the importance of the “First 48” at camp. By this, we mean the first 48 hours. Camp can be unfamiliar an...
June 23, 2019
On behalf of the staff and counselors at Camp Champions, let me welcome everyone that is joining us for our 53rd summer of camping fun! The summer h...