Behind The Scenes Stars
July 03, 2019
Camp is full of people behind the scenes that make camp great. After seeing the photo here, I thought it would be fun to talk about two of them....
July 03, 2019
Camp is full of people behind the scenes that make camp great. After seeing the photo here, I thought it would be fun to talk about two of them....
July 03, 2019
For most of our lives, we have learned (either explicitly or implicitly) a certain model of success and happiness: Become Successful and You Will be ...
July 02, 2019
I hope that the photos and the blogs help you better understand camp. I hope they show you the fun the campers are having as well as explain all...
July 01, 2019
If you have not quite realized it, I like reading about youth development and parenting. I have a few reasons for this. First, I am (in the lo...
June 30, 2019
We often like to say that camp is like a magic show. From the campers’ point of view, they enjoy activities and traditions that are unusual, excitin...
June 29, 2019
I love this picture. Catie Ma’am (a camper and counselor at Camp Champions for 13 summers) is calling a parent of one of her campers. First and seco...