Fillin' Station Improvements
September 18, 2017
Wow, we can’t believe that the summer of 2017 has already come and gone! As many of you know, each year we strive to make improvements to our camp....
September 18, 2017
Wow, we can’t believe that the summer of 2017 has already come and gone! As many of you know, each year we strive to make improvements to our camp....
August 11, 2017
This blog will be short because I want to appreciate this last full day at camp. We have had an excellent summer and have adored your children wh...
August 10, 2017
After a few heavy blogs, I thought you would enjoy a light and happy one. In it, I will share two letters that we received today. The first is from a...
August 09, 2017
Like anyone else, sometimes we make mistakes. We believe that part of being a Champion is being willing to admit to your mistakes. But some mi...
August 08, 2017
Jasu Hu OK, today’s blog is a tad on the heavy (even concerning) side, but I promise it has an encouraging ending. About 11 years ago, I heard J...
August 07, 2017
[Note: this is the second blog I have written about the pending departure of 3 of our 4 children to college. OK, I get that I should be writing abou...