Introducing the Slushingo!
July 26, 2019
After several longer blogs, I thought you might appreciate a shorter offering. This article is more like a light appetizer than an entrée. L...
July 26, 2019
After several longer blogs, I thought you might appreciate a shorter offering. This article is more like a light appetizer than an entrée. L...
July 26, 2019
Camp can be a time machine. This week, out Minis (girls who just finished 2nd and 3rd grade) transformed us back to 1975. It was after Waterga...
July 24, 2019
We have discussed many skills and talents that a child can foster at camp, but I have neglected one: Covert operations. I know that you see pictures...
July 23, 2019
[Steve Sir note: Occasionally, a staff member will offer to write a guest blog. Today, we get an article from Frank Burch, our Rookie Division L...
July 23, 2019
I came to the summer camp experience late in life. I was never a camper as a child. While some of my friends went to camp, I found their long an...
July 22, 2019
This blog is meant to be a compliment to you as a parent. I hope it does not seem to be pandering, but I want to suggest that sending your c...