
Each day of the summer, I will write a fresh blog.

I am not promising a great blog, but I will write a new one. The goals of these articles are simple:

  • I want you to get a feel for what camp is like. I will not be overly detailed (you will see so much in the thousands of photos we will post over the next weeks), but do want to help you get a one-way mirror into camp life.
  • I try to share what it feels like to be a 54 year-old parent of 4 (all now adults!?!?) who is surrounded by positive, inspirational college-age people. Our summer Leadership Team averages 25 years of age. Our directors average roughly 45, but the majority of people here are young. That, my friends, is a different experience from most of your lives, so I have found that parents enjoy hearing about that.
  • I will strive to share why I think camp has such a powerful impact on children. I also want you to feel our passionate commitment to these goals.
  • Finally, if possible, I want to make you smile or chuckle.


I will post my new blog on our website, but I also post it in CampParent – the same place you will see the photos. If you go to CampParent, you will click on “News” and see the blogs. I mention this especially for new families. I also post 1-2 extra blogs each day about the benefits of camp. These are “oldies, but goodies” that talk about some of our traditions and our goals. Returning families generally do not read these, but we want to make sure that you get a chance to see them.


With all that said, I hope you enjoy the photos and the blogs!


Steve Sir


PS  The photo was one that a staff member talked me into.  This is one of my “crazy director” looks meant to elicit a smile from campers.