The Tiger Story and the Tiger Club
July 29, 2016
When a camper brings a friend to camp, he or she becomes a member of the Tiger Club, to thank them for helping make our community better. Each week,...
July 29, 2016
When a camper brings a friend to camp, he or she becomes a member of the Tiger Club, to thank them for helping make our community better. Each week,...
July 28, 2016
Once each term, the 9th grade Senior Campers (7-11) read letters that they write to the girls side of camp. They are often insightful and always heart...
July 27, 2016
Susie Ma’am and I are going through a series of experiences that lead us to the question “Are we getting old?” Three of our four children graduate...
July 26, 2016
This year, we have counselors from every continent in the world except Antarctica. They come from 15 different countries and speak at least 8 language...
July 25, 2016
I have come to revel in the small pleasures at camp. I love seeing the youngest boys charging in unison to dinner in what we call the “Rookie Stam...
July 24, 2016
On Sunday evenings, we have Vespers. Vespers is not a religious event, but it is a time when we slow down, talk about our values and appreciate each o...