Proud of Our Camp Community
August 10, 2016
OK, my last couple of blogs have been light-hearted, so please allow me a more serious one. Frankly, I want to brag a little on our community. A...
August 10, 2016
OK, my last couple of blogs have been light-hearted, so please allow me a more serious one. Frankly, I want to brag a little on our community. A...
August 09, 2016
The odd week continues. Today, a tiger was roaming camp. OK, perhaps not the most ferocious tiger. This tiger poses no threat and simply looks si...
August 08, 2016
Today, something new happened. We had the one and only “pool torchlight” of the summer. Rather than conduct Torchlight in the Coliseum, we did the...
August 07, 2016
The final week of camp is our most intimate. Five years ago, we created this session. Prior to that, we only ran a 9-week season. We are excited that ...
August 06, 2016
Once again, a glance into my inbox provides me with a blog. I can see how this might seem lazy, but I have been deeply moved by some of the emails we ...
August 05, 2016
As I sat down to write my blog, Susie Ma’am told me to stop. “I just got an email. You are not going to write a better blog than this.” The email is...