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Camp Traditions

Trojan/Spartan Games

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All campers are either a member of the Trojan or Spartan tribe. Each Sunday the two teams face each other in the Olympic-style Trojan/Spartan Games. The games are a great opportunity to build teamwork and sportsmanship skills—and they’re incredibly fun! At the end of battle, we all reunite as Purple Peace.

Flag Raising

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Each day begins with the raising of the American flag and the singing of the national anthem. This gives us a chance to honor our country, share announcements, and start the day with a bang!

Cabin Inspection

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Each morning, campers and counselors make their beds, pack trunks neatly, sweep the cabin floor, and take out the trash to prepare for inspection. Everybody’s favorite thing? Nah—but it’s a great way to develop teamwork and responsibility. Besides, passing enough inspections means that your cabin can earn prizes at the end of the term!

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We end each day with our Torchlight ceremony. It’s a great time for the entire camp to get together as a Champions family to sing, cheer on the day’s Torchlighter (camper of the day), and wind down for the night. This is perhaps the most beloved tradition of all!


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Since camp was founded, campers have gathered wearing white shirts at the girls’ and boys’ sail points on Sunday evenings to reflect on tradition and character. Leadership members, counselors, and campers all have the opportunities to tell stories of wisdom to the rest of camp. Afterwards, campers get treated with Sundae Sundays (or Sunday Sundaes)!

Treat Time

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Going through a full day of activities requires a lot of fuel. That’s why every day after Rest Hour campers gather at the Dugout and Acropolis for Treat Time! Campers get in line for our treat of the day which varies from cookies and brownies to goldfish.