6 Tips on Summer Camp Scholarships: How to find a campership
December 30, 2013
How to find a Summer Camp Scholarship Families often find the price of summer camp shocking when they first start looking at camp. Few families are aw...
December 30, 2013
How to find a Summer Camp Scholarship Families often find the price of summer camp shocking when they first start looking at camp. Few families are aw...
December 16, 2013
How to Teach Kids Optimism Positive Attitude and Optimism Parents often ask us how they can foster positive attitudes in their children. They underst...
December 04, 2013
Each fall, my wife and I get the same dreaded email from our parents: “What do the Grandkids want for Christmas?” Grandparents want our help finding t...
November 13, 2013
Do Grades Determine Success? Parents and kids share several concerns when it comes to the future (and particularly, future potential success). Every s...
August 12, 2013
This week, we are hoping to deliver stories that stress “Tenacity and Purpose”. Last night, I told the campers the Warrior-Worrier story (see the ...
August 11, 2013
We have begun our final week. We have just 6 more days of moments. 10 weeks ago, we brought in a speaker during counselor orientation that told us...