Off to a Great Start
June 27, 2016
The keys to the first day and a half of camp are pretty simple: Make sure every camper feels loved by his or her counselor Assure that everyone fee...
June 27, 2016
The keys to the first day and a half of camp are pretty simple: Make sure every camper feels loved by his or her counselor Assure that everyone fee...
June 26, 2016
With the new session starting, I thought you might enjoy two stories from campers that left camp on Saturday. While these stories do not directly incl...
June 24, 2016
I suspect that most of you will be coming to camp and not have time to look at this blog. Nevertheless, I feel moved to share s few thoughts. Toni...
June 23, 2016
Today is not that day. We have been going all-out, all-day. After a full morning of activities and meetings, we are in the middle of an afternoon th...
June 23, 2016
Every summer, we hear the same question from parents: “When can WE go to camp?” Well, there is an answer – FAMILY CAMP. Each fall, we open camp to fa...
June 22, 2016
I know that they session is nearing a close: Each day has a new special activity. Today is Trojan-Spartan, Division afternoon and the Olympic Danc...