What's It Like to Be a Camp Director?
July 05, 2018
When normal people ask me about camp, they often ask the following two questions: What is the best part of being a camp director? What is the h...
July 05, 2018
When normal people ask me about camp, they often ask the following two questions: What is the best part of being a camp director? What is the h...
July 04, 2018
People ask if we do something special for the Fourth of July. Yes. Yes, we do. The day starts with a unified Flag Raising. Usually, the girl...
July 03, 2018
Sunday night, we had Vespers. Vespers is a weekly gathering where we sit together at the girls or boys sailpoint and talk about what we value. I...
July 02, 2018
It has been a tough couple of days for our campers and counselors from Mexico. First, they are not thrilled with the results in the recent ele...
July 01, 2018
During orientation, I like to explain to the counselors that camp is a magic show and that they are the magicians. We can take something rather ...
June 30, 2018
Camp is the combination of a remarkable combination of talents, skills and personalities. We start with the campers – they are the reason we a...