Getting Time with Campers
June 11, 2014
Today, both Susie Ma’am and I had 4 cabin meetings each in the morning in addition to our general meetings. Our cabin meetings are called Friendshi...
June 11, 2014
Today, both Susie Ma’am and I had 4 cabin meetings each in the morning in addition to our general meetings. Our cabin meetings are called Friendshi...
June 10, 2014
In the last few years, we have made a special effort to make sure that our newest campers know that they are welcome and valued. Coming to camp for...
June 09, 2014
Each year, we wait 40 weeks for this place to come alive. Without our campers, this place is not truly “camp”. It is a place – a beautiful place...
May 13, 2014
Educational Benefits of Summer Camp in China I just returned from a week in China. I was there meeting with Chinese education thought-leaders about...
March 18, 2014
Coed Vs Single Sex Camps: Advantages of a Single Sex Camp Deciding whether to send your child to a single sex camp or a coed camp can be an important ...
March 13, 2014
Should my Child Bring a Friend to Camp Understand the benefits of going to camp alone One of the most frequent questions that parents ask me is about ...