A Delightful Letter
July 09, 2022
I had a few ideas for a blog, but then I remembered this email from a family that left two weeks ago. It made my day. I hope it helps you feel more ...
July 09, 2022
I had a few ideas for a blog, but then I remembered this email from a family that left two weeks ago. It made my day. I hope it helps you feel more ...
July 08, 2022
I want to write a short note of gratitude for two things. First, I want to thank all the parents of our 3 week-campers that will be leaving tomorrow. ...
July 04, 2022
One function of this blog is to give you an idea what it is like to be a mature adult in the odd world of camp. Yesterday, I tried to share some of th...
July 03, 2022
I want to take a moment to share gratitude and some hope on the July 4th weekend. I will not claim that the past few years have been easy. The pandem...
July 01, 2022
Many programs talk about fostering leadership, but most suffer from a fundamental shortcoming: It is hard to learn how to lead if you have no one to l...
June 28, 2022
As a young man, you would have described me as intense. OK, some still do so, but I was particularly focused and driven as a teen and young adult. I ...