more camper testimonials

Campers write us at Camp Champions all the time to let us know how their camp experience. Several of the letters have been placed here to give examples of what campers can expect.

High School Girl Testimonial – This is a letter we received after camp from a graduate of our Senior Camper (high school leadership) Program.

7th Grade Boy Testimonial – This letter to the camp comes from a 7th grade boy.

Middle School Boy Testimonial – A 2nd year middle school age camper shared his thoughts on camp.

10th Grade Boy Testimonial Email – Steve Sir received this email in the fall from a first time camper in the Senior Camper Program.

9th Grade Girl Testimonial – A 9th grade girl wrote a letter to the girls side.

8th Grade Boy Testimonial – A longtime camper shared this letter with the camp.

9th Grade Girl Letter to Camp – A 3rd year girl camper in the 9th grade shared this letter with her peers.

12th Grade Boy Email to Camp – A senior in high school wrote this email to Steve Sir in the midst of his fall semester.

more camper testimonials

“Even though it was only my first year, camp means everything to me already. Camp has become my escape from all of the bad things in my life. Since I arrived here, my life has turned around. I feel like I have become a much better person. Every little piece of camp has helped me grow. Because of camp, I’ve gotten very close to girls I never would’ve met if I hadn’t come here. On the overnight, the oddest thing happened to me. I was surrounded by strangers, but for once, my mind was quiet. Now, here at camp, I’m with these girls 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We live, we eat, we laugh, and we sleep together in one cabin. These girls are all so amazing. I’m proud to say that now I have a cabin full of girls that I can call my sisters.”

9th grade girl

“If a person were to come up to me and ask me what my favorite part of camp is, I would simply inform him that I cherish every aspect of camp. I enjoy the excruciatingly hot day that are filled with enough action to make one pass out from exhaustion. I adore the flushed, smiling, sunburned children that always seem to be running to from one activity to the next. I love the sound of the water lapping under the docks on the girl’s side. I treasure the feeling of being independent, but most of all, the people. I have developed the strongest, most sincere relationships with these individuals. I would not trade my years at camp for anything.”

7th grade girl

“This is my seventh year at this amazing place and it has become my second home. I came to Camp Champions as a nervous and deathly shy little girl who only knew her sister and her best friend. Camp changed me into the girl I am today, outgoing and nowhere near shy anymore. Camp is the place where I am truly myself and always happy because I’m surrounded by family. The 27 girls that are sitting behind me are my sisters, even the ones that I haven’t known for as long are still some of the most important people in my life.”

9th grade girl

“Every year I come back to camp, I learn more and more about myself, and the people around me. The senior camper program has always been a dream of mine, and the amount I have learned in the past two weeks in unreal. Camp has taught me to always stay optimistic, and be myself despite what other think of me. Waking up to LBJ and seeing hundreds of smiling faces for three weeks is the biggest blessing I could ever ask for. The friends and counselors that I have met here are the most genuine and uplifting people I’ve ever met, and I know they will always be a huge part of my life. They know me better than anyone at home ever will, and I’m so grateful for them. Throughout the time I’ve spent at camp, I’ve learned to not waste a second of my time here because it always goes by too fast.”

9th grade girl