Hey Wonderful Parents!

On behalf of our Executive Director Erec Hillis, and my parter of 30 years (Susie Ma’am), please let me again welcome your family to ours for the summer of 2024! We are so excited about the summer and cannot wait for all the fun and growth that will happen during the next weeks!

If you are a first-time parent, we realize that you are also excited, but perhaps a tad uncertain. I hope I can reduce any uncertainty you might have.

First, know that we are committed to caring for your precious kiddos. Susie and I have been here for 29 years and we are parents too. We want you to feel not just confident, but delighted that your kiddos are with us. [Note: we raised our 4 children at our home here at camp. They all attended Champions as well as at least one other camp each summer. All are now out of college and gainfully employed, so I think they have launched. They will tell you that camp was one of the best things that ever happened to them. We do not ask if camp ranks higher than we do - not sure we would be ready for the answer.]

Second, we know that it is strange to be childless (or down a child or two) for 1-2 weeks. With this in mind, we helped a company in Colorado develop an app to help you get a window into camp: Campanion.

With Campanion, we do a lot of things to help you gaze into camp. We want you to be able to share in some of the magic of camp while still maintaining a tech-free experience for your children. Here is a summary of what you will see:

  • When we post a photo of your camper, you will get a notification.
  • Most days, we will also post photos of campers by division that you will be able to peruse.
  • We will also have 10-15 photos each day that we will call The Story of Camp.
  • We will post a few short notes to share a sense of what camp is about. Think of these as tweets, but without the outrage!!
  • I will post a couple of blogs each day and we will link to those. They attempt to share more of the philosophy of camp with you.

Also know that we are here for you. If you have a pressing question, please feel free to call our office. Our amazing Office Team is here to help you however they can!

Thank you for joining our family!

Steve Sir

PS Please allow me to manage your expectations on the photos. It is our commitment to have a photo of your child every 2-3 days. Often we do more than that, but please do not worry if you go a day or two without seeing your precious one. If you have a concern, please know we are just a phone call away!