I am posting several longer, more serious blogs this week, so please allow me a short, fun one.

First, for the 6th consecutive year, Camp Champions was named the best camp by Austin Family magazine! OK, that magazine might not be The New York Times, but it is also not The Picayune (actual name of the Marble Falls paper).

While we do not strive for accolades, we are happy when others see what we are doing and like it.

Second, please look the above photo and realize the following: this is our business attire.

In theory, we are adults. At least the calendar says so. We have raised 4 children. We pay taxes. We have gone to colleges and graduate schools. We have a retirement plan.

Seems adult-y to me.

And yet, this is what we wear to work.

I wonder if out fashion sense is a factor in our Austin Family recognition. [Note from Susie Ma’am: “No.”]

Steve Sir