Yesterday, two counselors approached me excitedly. They were co-counselors last week and made a fun discovery.

Before I share it, please let me describe them.

Lizzy Ma’am is 26 years old and runs her own marketing consulting company. She is enjoying the “real world”, but said that she craved some time “back home” at camp. She had been a camper or counselor for 11 years, ending in 2015.

Emme Ma’am is a junior counselor who is still in high school. This is her ninth summer at camp and this is her happy place – just like Lizzy.

But they realized something fun.

In 2014, Emme was a Mini (our youngest division of girls) and Lizzy was her counselor.

Yes, that was 9 years ago.

For several days, Lizzy kept thinking something was familiar about Emme, but she could not quite pinpoint it. Only after talking about when Emme had started camp and the session she attended did Lizzy realize that they were in Cabin 13 together. They went to the office, grabbed an old yearbook and found this nugget of gold.

I love seeing the connections camp create. I especially love realizing that these connections often continue in odd and unpredictable ways.

We have had counselors become business partners, spouses and lifelong friends. This summer, we will have over 15 campers from couples that met at camp. [Note: matchmaking is unusual, but fun nonethless.] I, however, think this is the first time a camper and counselor have been reunited over a period this long and ended up as co-counselor.

Fun stuff.

Steve Sir

PS Lizzy happily promised to return next summer. “This week actually helped my business! While loving on the kiddos, I started to have strategic ideas pop into my head. I cannot wait to see where my consulting business will go!”

I hope it goes great.