I know we have posted two blogs already, but I want to share a quick story that seems to partner with the article about our inner warrior.

It is a story about one of our Little Leaguers (campers who just finished Kindergarten or 1st Grade) from last week. I would have shared it earlier, but just heard it today.

He was named the “Candle Lighter” - the Little League camper of the day. The counselors selected him because he had chosen to try new things even though he found camp intimidating. He was unsure about the lake, participating at the dance, getting on a sailboat or climbing the wall.

The Little League division leader gave him a quick hug and told him she was proud.

He then smiled at her and said, “I think I know why this happened.”

“Why is that?”

“I was scared to come to camp. Actually, I think I am scared at home too. I was not sure I wanted to be here or meet new people. Many of the activities were scary to me. But I heard you talk about taking Reasonable Risks and decided ‘I can do that!’ So I promised myself I would try everything. I even danced with a girl!”

All she could do was smile and give him a second proud hug.

I believe that small acts of courage are contagious and that his cabinmates and friends also tried more things than they might normally.

Stories like this keep us veterans excited each day. I hope you enjoy them as well.

Steve Sir