Facing writer’s block, I asked a seasoned counselor for a potential topic.

“Talk about choosing to throw yourself into whatever you do.”

“Please clarify,” I requested.

“Yesterday, our cabin (they were Senior Campers) had highway cleanup – one of our high school service projects. I was expecting to hear complaints, but one of my 11th graders shared something I found amazingly positive, ‘I could just go through the motions, but I see this as a challenge. I want to pick up more than the people around me – especially the guys.’ That young woman is going to be a world-beater!”

What a nice gift to a camp director with writer’s block.

Throwing yourself into what you do is a great way to live life, but it is needs to be a habit. Camp is a great place to cultivate this habit, especially because campers get to throw themselves into activities rather than schoolwork or chores, so it is easier. I think our 17 year-old became a “throw yourself in” person as a camper at the Climbing Wall, the Fine Arts Center and special activities when she was young and is now bringing that approach to every day.

I like this idea of “practicing” commitment, developing the habit of going all-out.

I like it so much that I am not just thinking about how to bring it to our campers, but how to embrace it even more myself.

Here’s to choosing to be the best versions of ourselves.

Steve Sir

PS This photo is shared simply because it proves the point I made a few days ago – the Jungle (the ninja warrior course) is a great equalizer. The young campers are MUCH better than the older ones. These are some of our youngest guys and they were crushing the course.