We brought a ringer to teach a master-class.

My sister, Becky, loves baking and decorating. When she offered to teach a cookie decorating class here, we were unsure how it would be received.

It turns out that it was a massive hit – with all genders and ages.

One 10 year old boy approached her past summer (she was masked and distanced) and reported, “Thank you for teaching us. I find this very satisfying.”

A great activity is one where a short period of instruction can result in a tangible result. With her piping tools, some toothpicks, and good technique, you end up with some cool outcomes.

I share them with you below.

Steve Sir

PS I will also report that the camp has (literally) weathered the storms and are better for it. Cabins bonded and adventures happened. While it was a challenge, I would not mind having one such storm every session in order to bring cabins together and create shared memories. Please know that your kiddos got such an experience!

PPS I forgot to share my favorite storm story. When one of our twin sons was a 7 year-old at camp, he was a little on the clueless side. After a big thunderstorm, he wrote us a letter that we received several days letter. It was short. [Please note that we live on the camp property.] “Dear Mommy and Daddy - We had a huge storm here. What was the weather like where you are?”