I have been writing some heavy blogs, so today I just want to share a fun camp tradition: Miss Champini, a favorite night on the girls’ side of camp.

For this event, each cabin selects a camp related object/person and then transforms their counselor into that thing. We have seen counselors festooned as blobs, climbing walls, Dodger (the Basset Hound), Susie & Steve, cereal boxes, trunks and other camp personalities.

The event is hosted by our Senior Campers (the High School Leadership program) on the girls’ side. It gives them a chance to “take a reasonable risk” by performing as well as the responsibility for deciding on a theme for the night.

One of the better costumes is featured in the photo above. This is a human campfire.

The key to Champini is 1) creativity, 2) enthusiastic campers and 3) compliant counselors. The campers literally do all the work. Often the best costumes originate in the mind of the youngest campers. In all cases, each cabin is elated to see their efforts celebrated and performed by their counselors.

We are winding down this session. The weather might have been unusual, but the spirits have been high. As the session ends, I would like to thank you for having the faith in your child – and in us – to give them this experience. You are wonderful parents!

Steve Sir