As we get near the end of a session, I always have the same bittersweet experience. I savor the last moments with these wonderful campers and I return to the house spent from a full day. I then realize I have not written my blog.

This, my friends, is not a great feeling.

So all I share today (other than the other blog about the Tiger story) is a humble admission that I decided to spend more time appreciating camp than writing.

With that in mind, please allow me a few short thoughts.

The evenings become extra special. There are so few places where you can see the stars and make up stories about the constellations. The cool breeze seems to inspire memorable conversations.

Knowing that each activity you do will be the “last time” makes it more precious. I saw kiddos thrilled everywhere I went.

The counselors are also realizing that they will soon lose their campers just as they have discovered so many things that make each of them special. But they decide to embrace the moments while they last rather than mourn their passing.

In short, I love the end of camp even as I resist it.

We know you look forward to reclaiming your favorite child(ren), but know we will miss them.

Steve Sir

PS Obviously, we have a full day, but tomorrow is crazy and we will end with a fireworks show and many goodbyes. You will be on your way here, so this is my chance to thank you for sharing your favorite people with us!