June 16, 2017
Each year, campers receive a tenure gift that acknowledges how many summers they have been part of the camp family.
But we do something extra for our Golden Oldies, campers attending their 6th summer at camp. They receive a book with photos from each of the 6 summers they have attended camp. The books are hardbound and include 18 pages of pictures.
Of course, most of you have campers who are much newer to camp than our Golden Oldies, so you may wonder why I am sharing this with you.
Because we want your help to make sure that the book your camper will eventually get with be the best ever.
When we first attempted these books, we learned that facial recognition software is much less reliable than we had hoped, so the average book was taking closer to 10 hours to compile than 1 hour. Also, the software generally could not recognize campers wearing hats, certain costumes or sunglasses. As a result, some of the best shots of our Golden Oldies were not ending up in their books.
So we put our heads together and realized that the solution was right in front of us. As you know, each day we post photos from camp. If you like a particular photo, you can add it to your “favorites” folder. Going forward, we will use the pictures that you (or your camper) put into the favorites folder to create the Golden Oldie book. If there are no pictures in the favorites folder, we will use a selection of favorite memories from each summer instead. The book will still be very cool, but it will mean even more if it includes your camper’s (and your) favorite memories.
So even if this summer is your camper’s first or second, start to select those favorites! We want to create the ultimate memory gift for your camper!
Steve Sir