June 18, 2017
In my blog, I mostly strive to focus on the activities of camp as well as the benefits of camp. But occasionally I like to share a little bit about what it is like to be a “grown up” who makes his living as a camp professional. This is such a blog.
Each year, this week takes me by surprise.
No, not because it is Fathers Day, but because it is my ridiculous outfit-change day.
During awards shows, the host often changes into 5, 6 or even 8 outfits during the course of the show.
Today, I will wear 5 outfits. While that might not be that crazy for a supermodel, it is downright silly for an average looking, middle-aged man.
In fact, you might think it is almost embarrassing for a grown man to change clothes like a child.
I would agree with you.
Here is how this “adult” spent his day.
I woke to put on my red and blue, tie-dyed shirt for Trojan Spartan games. [Note: Susie Ma’am says this shirt makes me look like an “Astro Pop” popsicle. I am pretty sure that is not a compliment.]
After breakfast, I became the starter for the Senior Camper Trojan-Spartan canoe race, requiring a change into a swimsuit.
Following the race, I changed back into the Trojan-Spartan shirt.
At 2PM, we opened our first “Batter Up” session, a one-week introductory term for young campers (mostly finishing Kindergarten and 1st grade). Since we get the pleasure of meeting parents, we were our camp uniforms.
At dinner, we honor the “T-Bone Club”, the campers who are in their last summer as normal campers. They just finished the 8th grade and are thinking about entering the Senior Camper program next year. The T-Bone Club is a special meal during the camp picnic. Rather than burgers, hot dogs, salad and watermelon, the T-Bone Club gets green bean salad, mushroom sauce, garlic breadsticks, strawberry cake and (as you might guess from the name) steaks.
We toast these campers using sparkling grape juice. We also dress up a bit to set the date apart. Susie Ma’am always looks lovely while I go with a kilt and tie combo.
Dignity. Always dignity.
Finally, we have our second Vespers gathering. The girls meet at the girls’ sailpoint and the boys meet at the boys’ sailpoint. The girls will hear letters read by the women of 7-11 (those that just finished 9th grade). These letters are often poignant and always emotional. I hope to share a couple later.
On the boys’ side, I share the idea that we have an internal battle between our inner warrior and inner worrier (please see the other article today). Since this final week includes several challenges, including swim challenges for each age group, I want to encourage our campers to listen to their warrior more than their worrier.
In order to be taken seriously, I need to change out of my kilt and into a simple white outfit to talk with the boys.
There you have it – five outfits and six costume changes. Clearly, I am not a real adult, but I am having fun nonetheless.
Steve Sir