T-Bone_2_2106.jpgAt times, the ridiculousness of the camp life hits me smack in the face. Today is such a day.


Here is a quick summary.


We began the day normally enough – a lovely breakfast and a good team meeting. I dressed like a normal person for that.


Immediately after, I had to change into a swimsuit and the blue/red shirt I wear to designate Trojan/Spartan games (blue for Trojans, red for Spartans) so that I could officiate a canoe race. In case you are wondering, none of my business school classes covered the management of canoe races (note: in fact, my business school experience was woefully inadequate on the management of any aquatic competition).


After the race, we made sure that the teams shook hands and demonstrated great sportsmanship. I then walked back to Home Plate (our home and office) and changed again into normal clothes and spent time on calls and meetings.


Lunch was baked-potato-and-wing day (a camp-wide favorite) followed by a brief but necessary nap.


For dinner, we hosted the “T-bone Club”, a special meal we provide the oldest campers in our standard program – those just finishing the 8th grade. Next year, they will return as part of the Senior Camper program, so this is the last week they will have as “normal campers”. This group provides energy at evening events and helps perpetuate our traditions and we love acknowledging them. While the rest of camp is having a picnic, we provide them a seated meal with T-bone steaks, green bean casserole, double stuffed potatoes and strawberry cake.


The campers dress up nicely for this event. Susie Ma’am and I do so as well. She wore a lovely dress. I wore a kilt with a metal bowtie.


After the dinner, I announced the winners of the Trojan/Spartan competition and sent the campers to Vespers.


As I described before, Vespers is a time that we slow down and talk about our community and our values. Once again, we all wore white shirts (off with the kilt - back to shorts) as we shared public thank-yous (Grateful Deeds – please see one of the other blogs today) and a few stories. Since the campers will have their swim challenges this week, I told them about a camper who was the most determined, if not also least skilled, swimmer I have ever seen. His ended up with the slowest time in the Lake Swim I have ever seen, but he refused to quit or even use a life jacket. For the majority of his swim, we had two lifeguards in kayaks on either side of him, but he simply would not stop.


I shared the story about the warrior and the worrier (see the third blog today). During Vespers, the sun set over the lake and the breeze picked up slightly. After we concluded and sang “Golden Champion” campers and counselors headed back to their cabins. Ben Chinisci (our Boys Head Counselor who is also a professional musician) played “Taps” on his electric guitar.


As I walked home in the light moonlight, I drank in the environment. I could hear the campers talking in their bunks and the sprinklers spitting and clicking in the darkness. I saw the stars. I felt the light wind.


My mind then began to wander. I realized that I had changed clothing five separate times. Let’s face it - that is something a runway-model would need to do.   But each outfit fit its purpose, be it serene (Vespers) or silly (kilt at the T-Bone Club).


It seems a long way from Brooks Brothers suits and ties. While I certainly appreciated and even enjoyed my time in finance and consulting, I deeply love this life.


Even if I can’t stick with an outfit.


Steve Sir