Fireworks-1.jpg“Its like America threw up on camp!”


We strive to make July 4th a really special day at camp. We have special events, choice activities, picnics, a “County Fair” and even a fireworks spectacular.


But we also enjoy decorating camp.


My roommate from Davidson College believed that Texans must have a hidden motto, “If some is good, more is better and too much is great!” I suspect that he did not mean it as a compliment. In many things, we strive for moderation. But not in our July Fourth decorations.


My roommate will be proud.


We dress up. We put up bunting. We hang flags. Susie becomes Lady Liberty. Dozens of Uncle Sams stroll the property. Moak Sir walks around with a hot dog hat.


We started the day with an all-day Flag Raising. Usually, we do separate gatherings on the girls’ side and the boys’ side, but today was unified.


We also go to great lengths to make sure that our non-US campers and counselors know they are part of the fun and not excluded. We embrace the silliness together. This is truly important because we have people from England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, Spain, Holland, South Africa, China, Japan, France, Germany, Australia, New Zealand, Brazil, Columbia, Canada and (of course) Mexico.


Actually, some of these campers and counselors enjoy today more than anyone. After all, it is novel for them. And who does not like pie eating contests, dunking booths, inflatables and fireworks?


We hope your July 4th is as exciting and fun as ours!


Steve Sir