Robyn_and_Michael.jpgThis picture is of Robyn Rosenberg, our much-loved office manager and Michael Burch, our waterfront director and former Aquanaut Division Leader.


Robyn has been part of our camp family for 17 years. She started as an 11 year-old and was a camper for 8 years. She was a counselor for 3, on our summer leadership team for 2 and has been full time for 4.


But I am not sharing this picture just to brag on her amazing tenure. I want to share a story from her bachelorette party.


Robyn and Michael’s wedding party will have 10 people in it, five on each side. We are so excited about having two of our favorite people deciding to spend their lives together.


Now let me get back to the bachelorette party. Before you get worried, let me assure you that this was a wonderfully appropriate gathering. Robyn’s wedding party consists of her sister-in-law and 4 friends from camp.   The sister-in-law had never attended camp anywhere and always wondered why Robyn Ma’am cared so deeply about it.


During the party, the sister-in-law got an answer.


They spent the day in Wimberley at a house. They went swimming in the river and told stories.   They played games. One of them cooked dinner. On one hand, it was perhaps the most boring agenda for a bachelorette party ever, yet it was packed with stories and laughter and companionship. The lack of external stimulation highlighted the quality of their connections.


After the event, the sister-in-law spoke with Robyn’s mom.


“I think I finally get this camp thing. Those women really care for each other. I mean REALLY care. I have friends that I like, but I am not sure I have anyone that understands me the way that all of Robyn’s friends understand her. That is truly something special.


I now know that my daughter will be a camper as soon as she is old enough.”


So many people tell me that they feel like their camp friends are different, even better. I suspect it is because these bonds are formed without technology and without wearing the “masks” that most young people put on in an effort to fit into groups. At camp, people know that your feet smell or that you snort when you laugh too hard , yet they still love you. In fact, they love the authentic you.


This type of acceptance is deeply powerful and leads to the bonds that showed up at the bachelorette party. I am thrilled that our own children have this gift as well. It helps root them and provides a powerful social base that makes trying new things easier.


Sounds like a good party to me!


Steve Sir