
We like to hold a few special surprises for the last week of camp so that the counselors are as pleased as the campers.

One surprise last night was “pool torchlight”. All summer, we conduct our Torchlight ceremony in one of our amphitheaters.  The Torchlighter (the camper deemed by counselors and staff as the one who most embodied the “4 R’s” of respect, responsibility, reaching out and reasonable risks) carries in a torch and lights a larger torch. Each cabin does a “roll call” (a short joke or song) to let us know they are present.  We have announcements and skits. 

We sing songs unique to Camp Champions: the “Torchlighter Song” and “Golden Champions”.

It is a much loved tradition that is done in a similar way all summer. 

At least until Saturday Night.

Last night, we conducted the entire ceremony in our pool.  Rather than simply run with the torch, the Torchlighters ascended the stairs to our massive slides and came down the slide.  (We caught their torches before they slid into the water!)  We sang our songs, had announcements, and enjoyed a counselor belly-flop competition. It was a creative play on our typical night, and something we know our campers will remember!

After this silly ceremony, we had a 45-minute pool party under the bright lights of our pool. Thankfully, being a Texas summer camp, we can get away with swimming in the evening - in August, the temperature is still about 98 degrees even after sunset!

Each day this week, we will do at least one unique thing until the end of the summer. 

I know I am looking forward to it.


Steve Sir


Want more like this? See: http://blog.campchampions.com/benefits-of-free-play-at-summer-camp