Welcome to Camp Champions!


On behalf of the staff and counselors at Camp Champions, let me welcome everyone that is joining us for our 49th continuous summer of camping fun!

We wait each year for this day: the smiles, the hugs, the laughter and the opportunities for growth! 

We have had our orientation.  I can also say that this was unquestionably the best group of counselors I have ever had the pleasure of working with.  They were attentive during our sessions and they are deeply committed to our mission of helping children find their inner champions. They understand the importance of safety as a foundation to fun and growth. 

They also know that they are not just serving campers, but rather entire families. 

Susie Ma’am and I are both so excited to be working with this group.

We just finished our first torchlight ceremony (I will explain this more in a later blog).  We had some silly skits and a short fireworks display.

Now, the children are in their cabins.  They are enjoying their first “nightly ritual” – a time for reflection, conversation and sharing.  We started this tradition 3 years ago.  Since creating it, we have found that cabins are more cohesive and happier with each other.

The evening is cool with a slight breeze. The stars are winking at us. Simply stated, it is lovely.

Tonight, our campers will sleep with their new friends and counselors.  Tomorrow, we will wake at 7:30 and embrace our first full day of activities. It will be a full one, so we need to make sure that we all get a full night’s sleep.

Susie Ma’am and I have had the joyous pleasure to do this for 22 years. We look forward to a full night’s rest as well.  After all, we need to keep up with a camp full of energetic campers!

I hope you enjoy these blogs.  Enjoy the photos and take time to read the articles. We will provide you a nice one-way mirror into the life of camp.  Some of these articles are new, but many are tried-and-true favorites. If you are a returning parent, please do not think we are getting lazy.  Instead, we want to give our new families a chance to see what we value and what we are striving to accomplish at camp.

We plan to have a wonderful first session!


Steve Sir


Want more like this? See: http://blog.campchampions.com/ripples-through-time-and-space