Welcome back to Camp!  Over the past 43 summers Champions has been making memories and changing lives one kid at a time. Camp has diligently archived those memories in the form of yearbooks from the very beginning so they will never be forgotten.

Camp Champions is about to embark on its 44th summer and has decided to take the idea of the yearbook one step farther. We will be uploading a past yearbook each week until all of our memoirs are one easy click away.

We are so excited to re-connect with our campers and counselors. If you have not checked in with us, or if you know other alumni that might like to hear from us, please send us an email. We hope to create an alumni event soon and do not want to leave anyone out.

You, our past campers and counselors, are what makes Camp Champions a truly amazing and memorable place, a life changing home away from home.  So, check back with us each week and start remembering what it was about Camp that made you smile, that made you want to be a CHAMPION!

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